Pre-Booking Form
For classes marked (WV) on timetable, please print off the form below and send with payment to:
Watermoor Villa, 64 Watermoor Road,Cirencester, Gloucester, GL7 1LD
Date of Birth
Telephone No:
Email Address:
Course(s) including day/time
Event(s) including day/time
NB. If you should cancel your booking for an EVENT our policy is: a month or more notice - a full refund, two weeks notice - a 50% refund, a week or less - no refund unless we are able to find a substitute.
Cash/cheque amount*
Tick box if a receipt is required
Condition/disability that may affect you in your yoga class:
Please indicate any other form of physical exercise you are involved in, i.e. running, tennis, gym work, pilates, other yoga
NEW STUDENTS: All new students must complete a “DECLARATION FORM FOR STUDENTS”
EXISTING STUDENTS: Please tick this box if your condition/health has changed since completion of your declaration form.
*Please check on the Timetable page who your cheque should be made payable to  
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